Certified Logo and Communication Guidelines

Your AT*SQA certification gives you a competitive edge in your profession, and we want to help you promote your certification!

Prominent display and mention of your AT*SQA certification maximizes your professional benefit. Here are a few rules to help guide you in the communication of your certification.

Rules of Use

An AT*SQA Certified logo may not be altered in any way, such as changing proportions or writing on or within the logo.

You may display the logo(s) of only those certifications that are currently valid. There is a separate AT*SQA Certified logo for each AT*SQA certification.

Use of the AT*SQA certified logo or certification statement is a privilege extended only to individuals whose certification is in good standing. You are only permitted to use or display the logo with a valid AT*SQA certification and not for any other purpose, according to the AT*SQA Terms & Use. AT*SQA reserves the right to apply disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Ethics.

It should be noted that your certification is specific to an individual, not an organization. Therefore, it is important that organizational communication distinguish the scope of the certification.

  • It is NOT appropriate to say that your ORGANIZATION is certified.
  • However, it is very appropriate - and encouraged - to say that the organization employs or utilizes individuals who are AT*SQA certified.

Ideas for Use

Great ways to publicize your certification include your:

  • Email signature
  • Resume
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Twitter bio
  • Company personal bio
  • Business card
  • Company press releases about your certification

If you have questions about the usage of your AT*SQA Certified logo or the communication of your certification, please contact us using the AT*SQA website contact form.

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