AT*SQA Micro-Credentials - Cybersecurity Testing

AT*SQA Software Testing Micro-Credential

CyberSecurity Testing

Cybersecurity Testing Micro-Credential

Cybersecurity testing probes systems to reveal potential failures in furnishing the desired level of security. As with any other testing, cybersecurity testing reveals the presence of defects but cannot confirm their absence. It provides value both as verification (“Was it built right?”) and as validation (“Was the right thing built?”). Where security requirements have been specified, testing can verify how adequately these requirements are satisfied. Threat modeling, based on threat intelligence, anticipates the nature of assaults that might be encountered in the operating environment of the system. System designers provide corresponding controls, and testing can verify the extent to which those controls provide the specified protection.

Learn Cybersecurity Testing through AT*Learn Training

AT*SQA Cybersecurity Testing Body of Knowledge (Syllabus)

Register for the Micro-Credential Exam