Step-By-Step Instructions for Taking ISTQB Exams and AT*SQA Exams

Below are step-by-step guides and videos for taking ISTQB exams and AT*SQA software testing certification exams through AT*SQA, the official global ISTQB exam provider for ASTQB. We discuss how to create an account, purchase your ISTQB exam, schedule, and prepare for the exam. We go into detail about online exam preparation, and what to expect on your exam day with proctors and include links to the full computer requirements and online exam support.

Register for ISTQB Exams Now - Exams Taken Here are Valid Worldwide

Purchase your ISTQB exam through AT*SQA because ONLY AT*SQA can you all these extra, free benefits:
Appear on both the ISTQB SCR plus the Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers™.
Testing Tiers® points that increase your global tester ranking.
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Get a free AT*SQA Micro-Credential exam of your choice.
Take up to 365 days to schedule and complete your exam.
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Steps for a Successful ISTQB Exam & AT*SQA Exam

Important: For ISTQB exams other than ISTQB Foundation Level, one or more prerequisites are required. Please see the ISTQB certification prerequisites. Proof of prerequisites from ISTQB boards/providers other than ASTQB/AT*SQA should be uploaded in your account before taking your ISTQB exam.

Locating An Exam Voucher Code After Purchase

Skip this if you were given an exam code by a training provider or someone in your company.

Exam Voucher Code

Where do you find your code after you have made a purchase?

Log in to your AT*SQA Account >> Scroll Partially Down the AT*SQA Account Page

voucher code example

If you were given an exam voucher code by a trainer or your company, you will not see the exam code.

Step 1: Decide The Exam Format and Availability of Exams

Exam Format / Checking Available Days & Times

Are you going to take your exam at a testing center or online from your home or office? Here you will learn how to check availability for testing centers and online exams before purchasing an exam.

Testing Center

You can see the steps of how to check days and times for testing centers in the scheduling area below. Testing centers are generally available Monday-Friday depending on the location. To check specific locations, dates and times, you will need to have an AT*SQA account.

Scheduling Area

Expand items below to read more.

Testing centers are available throughout the world, but they might not be available where you live. If you do not see a testing center in your area, you can instead select the online exam option and take the exam from your home or business anywhere in the world.

If you have previously used your email address with another exam provider that uses Webassessor, you cannot use that same email address with AT*SQA. This is an odd aspect of Webassessor that unfortunately we cannot control. Please use a different email address in your AT*SQA account and then verify it. Then you should be able to schedule your exam.

Online Exam

You can see the steps of how to check days and times for online proctored exams in the scheduling area below. Online proctored exams are available throughout the week at various times. To check specific dates and times, you will need to have an AT*SQA account.

You will need to schedule and take the "System Readiness Check" before you can see the days and times to schedule your exam. This should be done on the computer you plan to use for the exam. This will ensure that your computer setup works before you have a scheduled exam.

Scheduling Area

Expand items below to read more.

Online exams should be scheduled in advance if you need a specific day and time. During certain times of the year, you may need to select a few different days and times if the online schedule is busy.

If you have previously used your email address with another exam provider that uses Webassessor, you cannot use that same email address with AT*SQA. This is an odd aspect of Webassessor that unfortunately we cannot control. Please use a different email address in your AT*SQA account and then verify it. Then you should be able to schedule your exam.

Step 2: Schedule An Exam

Scheduling Your Exam & Required Online System Readiness Check

Below are videos for scheduling a testing center exam and also scheduling an online proctored exam. If you are taking an online exam, there are more instructions further down the page that are very important to know before your exam day.

Extended Time Exams

Instructions for non-native English speaking individuals.

Select Instructions for either testing center scheduling or onlime proctored exam scheduling:

Expand items below to read more.

Webassessor requires you to use a computer to schedule the exam. You can't use a tablet or mobile phone at this time.

Yes, paper and pencils are provided by the testing center for in-person testing center exams.

If you have any special accommodations, please contact us before scheduling your exam.

In the checkout after selecting your location, exam day, and time you will proceed to payment. On the final payment screen, you will enter your voucher code instead of a credit card.

proceed to payment
enter voucher code

Online exams require the exam taker to schedule and take a "System Readiness Check" before you can schedule the exam. This must be done with the computer you will be using to take the actual exam on before scheduling the exam. Scheduling the "System Readiness Check" is the same process as scheduling an exam.

Important information on the time you select for your online exam

Part of preparing for an exam is understanding the time requirements to take an exam. Online exams have a check-in process.

Schedule An Exam Online

All exams can be taken online from home. It is your responsibility as the exam taker to read through all instructions for taking an exam online and to make sure you have all steps completed BEFORE your exam.



  • Make sure your name matches your govenment ID.
    Failure to do so will result in a rescheduling fee.


  • Schedule and take the "System Readiness Check".
    You cannot schedule your exam until this is completed. After This is complete, you can schedule your exam. This will not be done on the same day as your purchased exam.


  • Schedule Your Exam.
    After completing the "System Readiness Check", you will see links in the scheduling area that allows you to schedule your exam.

    Pay attention to the time you have selected before checking out. Make sure you are selecting the correct time of day.

After scheduling and taking the "System Readiness Check" you can use your voucher code to schedule and pay for the exam you have purchased. In the checkout after selecting your exam day and time you will proceed to payment. On the final payment screen, you will enter your voucher code instead of a credit card.

proceed to payment
enter voucher code

Access Your Scheduled Exam

Do you want to check your scheduled exam time? Do you want to reschedule your exam? Do you want to access your online exam?

No matter if you are checking the exam time you have previously scheduled (for both testing center and online exams), follow the videos below to see how to check the time, reschedule, and also where you need to go on your exam day.

Access A Scheduled Exam

  • Log into your AT*SQA account -
  • On your account page select "Online Exam Access"
  • You will then go to the "Proceed to Exam Scheduling" screen and you will select the "Accept" button.
  • You will then enter into the Webassessor scheduling and exam access area.
  • Go to "My Exams" in the menu. There you will see your scheduled exam.

If you need to reschedule, you can select the reschedule option in the "My Exams" area and you will not need to use your voucher code. You will not see your exam if the exam time has past.

Important information on canceling or rescheduling exam

Please be aware, you must reschedule your testing center exam more than 72 hours in advance and reschedule your online exam more than 24 hours in advance to avoid a rescheduling fee from Webassessor/Kryterion.

Cancellation & Refunds

If you have canceled your exam, this explains how you can reschedule the exam or how to request a refund.

Step 3: Preparation For Exam

Rules for Exams

Below you will find indepth rules for taking exams both at a testing center and online proctored exams. If you are taking an online exam, you must also read through the proceedures area after this section. Failure to follow these rules could result in a suspension and automatic failure of the exam.

General Rules for Testing Center and Online Proctored Exams

  • You are required to have a valid government ID in order to start your exam. This can be a passport, driver's license, government-issued identification card, or NIN. Note: When using an NIN, you can not use a printed or screenshot of the NIN. You must access the NIN through the App on your phone. Failure to have the appropriate ID at the time of your exam will require you to pay a $90 rescheduling fee. Please see the ID information below this list.
  • Make sure your schedule is open and can handle delays of up to one hour. You cannot opt to stop an exam and restart it at a later time due to a time conflict.
  • No other persons are allowed in the testing area.
  • No food or drink is permitted during the exam.
  • You cannot wear headphones/earbuds during the exam.
  • Be prepared to sit for the entire length of the exam. You cannot take a break or step away from the camera's view.
  • Do not leave your workstation or take a break for any reason. If you leave the workstation during the exam, your exam may be suspended.
  • Electronic devices, including telephones, cameras, smart watches, signaling devices, pagers, alarms, and recording/playback devices of any kind are not permitted.

Check Your Name Vs. ID Before Exam

When setting up you name in the ID area for the first time, you will enter your full name from your ID twice. Even if your last name is first on your ID, you will still enter your name as directed below. Please Enter your name like this:

First Name Middle Name(s) Last Name
The ID area is not case sensitive.

If you need your name changed due to not entering properly, please contact us before the exam with the following information:

First Name: Add first name here
Middle Name(s): Add middle names here if you have one on your ID
Last Name: Add last name here

If you only have one name on your ID, please note that.

Testing Center Rules

  • Remove all items from your neck and wrist. Watches, bracelets, and necklaces are not permitted during testing.
  • No questions concerning the content of the exam may be asked during the examination period. Listen carefully to the directions and carefully read the directions shown on the computer monitor.
  • No examination materials, documents, or memoranda of any type may leave the testing room.

Testing centers will supply you with 3 sheets of paper and a pencil for your exam that you must return to them before you leave the exam. If you leave without returning your notes from the exam, your exam results will be removed from your account.

Online Proctored Rules

  • All online exam require you to schedule and take the "System Readiness Check" before scheduling and taking your exam.
  • We highly suggest you do NOT use a work computer for online exams as most people do not have full administrative access to their work computer.
  • Secure a quiet, well-lit room to take the exam.
  • Make sure the testing room is well-lit, quiet, and free from distraction.
  • Ensure your testing surface is clutter-free and contains only one computer, one monitor, one keyboard, and one mouse.
  • During check-in for an online exam, the entire room must be shown to the proctor. This includes all of the walls and the exam desk area. If you choose to take your exam on a bed, you may be asked to remove all of the blankets and pillows from the bed.
  • If you wear glasses, the proctor will ask you to remove them and present them for inspection through the camera.
  • No item other than your computer is allowed in the test area. This includes all papers, writing instruments, extra devices, etc. If you are taking your exam through our Kryterion/Webassessor system, an electronic notepad and calculator are available on-screen.
  • Disconnect external computer monitors from your laptop and close all applications.
  • Do not read the exam aloud.
  • Do not interact with another individual during your test session.
  • Do not move outside of the video screen.
  • Do not look outside of the screen area. If you need to think or your eyes need a rest, please close your eyes fully, but remain facing the screen.
  • Should you encounter a technical issue, you are required to contact Kryterion Support through the live chat area at the time of your exam. Failure to do so will result in a rescheduling fee.

Online Exam Information/Rules and Computer Requirements

If you are taking an online exam, this is the most important area to read through and know to have a successful exam day.

Understanding what to expect during an Online Proctored Exam

You are required to read through the computer requirements before your online exam. You are also required to take the "System Readiness Check" before scheduling your exam. If you choose to use a work computer, you are assuming the risk of needing to pay a rescheduling fee if there are technical issues starting your exam.

Downloading Software for the Exam

Expand items below to read more.

  • Log into your AT*SQA account -
  • On your account page select "Online Exam Access"
  • You will then go to the "Proceed to Exam Scheduling" screen and you will select the "Accept" button.
  • You will then enter into the Webassessor scheduling and exam access area.
  • Go to "My Exams" in the menu. There you will see your scheduled exam and see the software download link.

On your exam day, 10 minutes before the exam log into your AT*SQA account and follow the directions below:

  • Log into your AT*SQA account -
  • On your account page select "Online Exam Access"
  • You will then go to the "Proceed to Exam Scheduling" screen and you will select the "Accept" button.
  • You will then enter into the Webassessor scheduling and exam access area.
  • Go to "My Exams" in the menu. There you will see your scheduled exam and see the software download link.

Please also watch the videos and read the directions so that you are aware of what you need to have for a successful exam experience.

Computer Requirements

Computer Requirements for Respondus Software

Technical Issues Before or During Your Exam

Understand the steps needed if there are technical issues during your exam. If the proper process is not followed, Webassessor/Kryterion may require that you pay a $90 rescheduling fee.

Webassessor Technical Support

Should you have a long check-in time due to technical issues, you can request your exam be postponed through support. Please be aware, once you start your exam, you must finish the exam. We do not allow for an exam to be submitted and then restarted later.

All exams will require the new and improved process of a 2-camera exam. This requires all exam takers to have an internal or external camera on their computer and also a cellphone for the exam.

Everyone taking the online proctored exams will need to first schedule and take the "System Readiness Check". This ensures you computer has the Respondus software installed properly and you can connect you cellphone to the exam. It also will prepare you for the steps needed on your exam day for connecting your computer to the exam and also performing the AI room scan and AI ID check.

Things to prepare before taking the "System Readiness Check" & your actual exam

  • Make sure your cell phone is fully charged or make sure to have a charger attached to it at the time of the exam.
  • Have your exam space ready and your desk area cleared for the exam.
  • Make sure that you have planned accoringly for the check-in process and are not scheduled to be somewhere right after the exam. For example, if you have a 1 hour exam, plan to be available for at least 90 minutes.
  • Have your ID ready for the check-in process.
  • Make sure to review all of the videos and instructions prior to taking the exam.

Starting The Exam

In the three videos below, we show you what to expect and how to log into your exam and "System Readiness Check"

Accessing and Launching The Exam

Navigating our AI Precheck Process

Setup Mobile Device as Second Camera

FAQs About Online Exams

Expand items below to read more.

On the day of your exam, log into your exam 15 minutes before your scheduled time. Once you are in Webassessor, you will select the "My Exams" menu option and you will see the "Launch" button.

You will need a Windows or Mac OS to install the software for the online exams. You cannot use Chrome OS, tablets, or phones to take the exams.

Exams can take 20-30 minutes to begin. This is in addition to the exam time. If the online proctored area is busy, you will see a notice when logging in to your exam.


If you feel the screen is frozen or there is a problem, please contact Kryterion Support through the chat area on the support page:

Kryterion Support

Should you have a long check-in time, you can request your exam be postponed through support. Please be aware, once you start your exam, you must finish the exam. We do not allow for an exam to be submitted and then restarted later.

You will need a Windows or Mac OS. Additionally, A computer with an internal or external camera (note that the instructions mention an external camera, but your built-in, internal camera is acceptable).

Many company computers have issues installing the software because the employees do not have permission or access to install the exam software. It is suggested that you use a personal computer and install the software at least 72 hours before the scheduled exam.

Kryterion Support

A current government-issued photo ID that will be presented to the proctor before the exam starts.

Yes. You should show your entire desk area and around your exam area. You should not have any books, papers, pencils, pens, electronics in your exam area. Additionally, there should not be anyone in your exam area.

If you are found to have any of these items in your exam area, you will be in violation of the rules and automatically fail the exam.

Contacting AT*SQA

Please be aware, AT*SQA and ASTQB are only open Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET other than U.S. holidays. If you contact us outside of our work hours we will respond as soon as we are in the office.

All technical issues with the exams need to be addressed with Kryterion support at the time of your exam. Their support team is available 24-7 through the chat area on their website.

Webassessor Technical Support