AT*SQA Micro-Credentials - API Testing: Introduction and Testing Planning and Design

API Testing: Introduction and Testing Planning and Design
The API Testing: Introduction and Testing Planning and Design micro-credential focuses on testing API endpoints using different architectures. In simple terms, this micro-credential focuses on testing how a process, or service, interfaces with another process or service. Here is the knowledge you will prove you have by earning this micro-credential:
- What is an API
- Understand the definition of a Webservice API
- Understand the key terms associated with APIs
- Expectations from API Testers
- Understand the expectations on an API tester
- Challenges for Testers
- Understand API testing challenges
- Explore some possible solutions to the challenges an API tester may face
- Requirements for Testing
- Understand the requirements for API testing
- Identify Functions and Attributes
- To understand some of the nuanced parts of API testing – functions and attributes
- Identify and Assess Risks
- To understand how to identify and assess API quality risks
- Determine Coverage Goals
- Consider the coverage goals of API testing
- Understand the coverage goals of API testing
- Determine a Test Approach
- Consider and understand the factors that go into determining the API test approach
- Identify Test Conditions and Set Scope
- Consider and understand factors that go into identification of test conditions
- Setting test scope
- Regression Testing
- Discuss point of consideration while doing regression testing
This AT*SQA API Testing micro-credential is the first part of the API Testing micro-credential stack offered by AT*SQA. We suggest that you first earn this AT*SQA API Testing: Introduction and Testing Planning and Design micro-credential, followed by the AT*SQA API Testing: REST API, gRPC, and graphQL micro-credential. Finally, earn the AT*SQA API Testing: Environments, Tools, and Future Proofing micro-credential.
When you have earned all three, you will also receive the AT*SQA API Testing certification!
Learn API Testing: Introduction and Testing Planning and Design through AT*Learn Training
Register for the API Testing: Introduction and Testing Planning and Design Micro-Credential Exam
AT*SQA Software Testing Micro-Credentials
Agile Testing CertificationAT*SkillStack™
Consists of the following AT*SQA Micro-Credentials:
API Testing Certification AT*SkillStack™
Consists of the following AT*SQA Micro-Credentials:
Testing Essentials Certification AT*SkillStack™
Consists of the following AT*SQA Micro-Credentials:
Other Micro-Credentials
Testing Using The Cloud