Software Testing Services and Consultants Directory

Find testing services and QA consulting companies with software testers with proven QA knowledge.

Add your company information to AT*SQA AT*Consult today! Learn how below.

What is the AT*Consult™ directory of consultants and testing services companies?

AT*SQA AT*Consult™ consists of QA consulting and testing services companies with software testers who earned ISTQB certifications through AT*SQA. By doing so, their testers and consultants have proven their QA knowledge and their ability to work in American English. AT*SQA is the official ISTQB exam provider for ASTQB - ISTQB in the U.S.

Why use AT*SQA AT*Consult to find testing services and QA consulting companies?

Companies appearing in the directory have software testers who have passed ISTQB, ASTQB, or AT*SQA software testing certifications and/or micro-credentials.

This means they have proven their knowledge of globally standardized software testing principles and terminology. In addition, they have proven their ability to pass the official ISTQB, ASTQB, and AT*SQA American English exams delivered by AT*SQA.

This usage of standardized terms, principles, and American English helps to improve efficiency and communication across your teams. 

Who can appear in the AT*SQA AT*Consult list of testing services and QA consulting companies?

To appear in the list, your company must have one or more software testers who have passed ISTQB, ASTQB, or AT*SQA software testing certifications and/or micro-credentials through ASTQB or AT*SQA.

How can we add our company and certified testers to the AT*SQA AT*Consult™ Software Testing Consultants List?

Testers should connect themselves to their employer through their AT*SQA account by following these steps:

  1. Go to Update My Account. If you do not currently have a primary or additional email that contains your employer domain, add it and verify it (you will receive an email at that address).
  2. Next, connect yourself to your employer by following the instructions.
  3. Note: If your employer has not yet been added to the directory, the first person from your company will do so. Choose the directories in which the company should appear. The AT*SQA support team will verify consulting companies by reviewing their website or other information at their discretion.
  4. If the company has been approved by AT*SQA, you have verified your email, and your email domain matches the company domain, you will be connected to your company. You will then appear in the public list when the AT*Consult list is open.
  5. Note: If a tester has zero Testing Tiers™ points, they may still link to their employer in anticipation of earning future certifications and micro-credentials through AT*SQA, but they will not appear in the public list or be used in the ranking calculation.

How will the companies appear in the list?

Companies are sorted based on the average Testing Tiers® ranking points of their certified testers with higher rankings appearing above lower rankings. There may be additional search criteria added as the list grows. For transparency to your potential clients, your software testers used for those rankings will appear in your company listing along with a link to their Testing Tiers® profiles.

How can we modify or remove our company information?

Contact the AT*SQA support team from a verified employer email address and we will be happy to help you.

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