Questions & Answers Plus Instructions for ISTQB Exams and AT*SQA Exams
Register for your ISTQB exam or AT*SQA exam now or see below for answers to your questions about ISTQB exams and AT*SQA exams.
Register / Purchase Exams Q&A: ISTQB & AT*SQA Step-By-Step Instructions for Taking Exams: ISTQB & AT*SQA Scheduling Exams Q&A: ISTQB & AT*SQA Certification Q&A: ISTQB & AT*SQA Online Exam Q&A: ISTQB & AT*SQA Micro-Credentials Q&A: AT*SQARegistering & Purchasing Exams for ISTQB and AT*SQA
All of our AT*SQA and ISTQB exams can be taken online from home or at testing centers throughout the world. You may take your exam from any country.
How do I purchase a voucher code for an ISTQB exam?
Purchase your ISTQB exam here by completing the form. It's an easy process.
Can I take the ISTQB exam online at home?
ISTQB exams can be taken online at your home or business. You will need a computer/laptop. You can use your built-in camera and microphone on your computer/laptop.
Which ISTQB Foundation Level exam should I take?
The current ISTQB Foundation Level exam (3.1) can be taken through May 9, 2024. The ISTQB Foundation Level exam 4.0 (CTFL 4.0) will be available in the middle of this year. If you wish to take the ISTQB Foundation Level in the next several months, we strongly recommend you take the current version of the ISTQB Foundation Level exam. That is because excellent training and study resources are available for the current version, but not yet available for the 4.0 version. Both versions are equally valid and lead to the same certification, so we believe it will be easier for you to prepare for the current exam version. Also see the ASTQB's confirmation of which ISTQB Foundation Level exam you should take.
What should I do if my registration payment is declined?
If your payment is declined, call the phone number on the back of your card. Your credit card's customer service representative should be able to solve most issues. Then you can try again and complete your exam purchase.
Do I have to be an American citizen or live in the U.S. to take the ISTQB exam through ASTQB or AT*SQA?
ASTQB and AT*SQA allow you to purchase an ISTQB exam from any country in the world. You do not need to be an American citizen. One of the big advantages to using AT*SQA for your certification is that upon passing you will appear on the Official U.S. List of Certified Testers plus the ISTQB successful candidate register.
Where can I get training for the ISTQB exam?
ASTQB has accredited (proven) training providers that offer training courses.
See the list of software testing training companies. These training providers have been accredited by ASTQB, which means their courses have been shown to adequately cover the syllabus for the certification exam.
Are ISTQB exam voucher prices in USD?
Yes. While AT*SQA uses test centers throughout the world via Kryterion/Webassessor, payment is made in U.S. currency.
Where should I begin if I am new to software testing?
If you are not certified, you may choose from two paths:
If you want to start with ISTQB certification, you must first take the ISTQB Foundation Level exam from AT*SQA because this is required before any other ISTQB certification. See more information on the ISTQB Foundation Level FAQ.
If you want to take smaller steps in software testing training and credentials, see the AT*Learn™ software testing training and the AT*Micro™ software testing micro-credentials FAQ.
Are there prerequisites for any of the exams?
There are no prerequisites for any of the AT*SQA micro-credentials or AT*SQA certifications.
There are no prerequisites for the ISTQB Foundation Level exam but there are prerequisites for every other ISTQB exam. For example, you must have passed ISTQB Foundation Level before taking any other ISTQB exam. See all of the prerequisites for ISTQB exams.
If a company has several individuals who can take their ISTQB exams at the same time in the same location, you may be eligible for an on-site exam. The exams can be any combination of foundation, specialty, advanced or expert certifications. Contact the AT*SQA Support Team for the ISTQB on-site exam criteria and details.
Scheduling Exams Questions
We have added a full page showing how to schedule, reschedule, exam requirements, and how to prepare when taking an exam through AT*SQA.
View Exam Information/InstructionsScheduling / Canceling / Rescheduling
Canceling an exam does not issue a refund. The voucher code can be used again to reschedule an exam.
How do I schedule an ISTQB exam? or I was given a voucher code, so how do I schedule my ISTQB exam?
After you have a voucher code, log in to My Account then click Exam Scheduling and Online Exam Access. You will be prompted for your permission to pass your name and email through to Webassessor by Kryterion. Click Accept to continue.
Once you are on the Webassessor by Kryterion site, click Schedule My Examination. Select your exam, date, time, and location. On the final checkout, enter your voucher code.
My AccountHow do I re-schedule or cancel my exam?
Log in to My Account then click Exam Scheduling and Online Exam Access. You will be prompted for your permission to pass your name and email through to Webassessor by Kryterion. Click Accept to continue.
Once you are on the Webassessor by Kryterion site, click My Exams. Select the scheduled exam and follow the options to re-schedule or cancel the exam (the buttons to do so may be at the bottom of the page). Please note that Webassessor will charge a $90 fee if your re-schedule or cancellation is within 72 hours of your currently scheduled exam due to the advance notice that must be given to the testing center.
My AccountHow do I reschedule due to the Coronavirus / COVID-19 or another reason?
One of the great advantages of taking your ISTQB exam through AT*SQA is the flexibility. You can safely purchase your voucher now because:
- You have up to 365 days to schedule and take your exam when you purchase a voucher.
- Once you have scheduled your exam, you may reschedule it with no additional fee so long as you do so at least 72 hours before the exam.
- You may reschedule your exam multiple times but you must take it within 365 days of your purchase date. There is no additional fee so long as you do so each time at least 72 hours before the exam.
- If you are within 72 hours of your exam, the $90 change fee can only be waived by Kryterion/Webassessor because they have to pay for the employees that staff the testing centers. This requires a doctor’s note stating that you could not sit for the exam. In that case, contact Kryterion via the Kryterion Test Taker Support Area. Do not contact AT*SQA or ASTQB in this case, as the waiver must be given by Kryterion.
- Kryterion will also post notices in their Kryterion Test Taker Support Area if an area has had a widespread test center closure that requires a no-cost reschedule.
How do I select an extended time exam?
If English is not your native language, you can choose the "EXT" option for the exam when you are scheduling the exam in Webassessor.
How do I see my currently scheduled exam?
Log in to My Account then click Exam Scheduling and Online Exam Access. You will be prompted for your permission to pass your name and email through to Webassessor by Kryterion. Click Accept to continue.
Once you are on the Webassessor by Kryterion site, click My Exams. You will then see your currently scheduled exam.
Can I check/select the exam location, date and time before I purchase a voucher?
Yes, just follow these steps:
- Create your free AT*SQA account.
- Inside your AT*SQA account, choose Exam Scheduling and Online Exam Access.
- Continue through the system, choosing Schedule Your Examination, and then selecting the exam, then the location.
- You will then see the possible dates and times.
- If you would like to register for a specific date and time right now, simply do this:
- Select the desired date and time and proceed to the next page
- Now open a new browser window
- Go into your account
- Purchase your voucher
- Copy the voucher code that now appears in your account
- Paste it in the voucher code box in your original browser window, and check out
Technical Questions
What is my Webassessor login?
To log in to Webassessor the day of your exam, you will log in to your AT*SQA account and proceed to Webassessor using the Exam Scheduling and Online Exam Access button. This will log you in to Webassessor.
You cannot log in directly to Webassessor. You need to enter the site through the AT*SQA My Account page.
My AccountWhy am I getting "Error Accessing Webassessor" when trying to schedule my exam?
If you have previously used your email address with another exam provider that uses Webassessor, you cannot use that same email address with AT*SQA. This is an odd aspect of Webassessor that unfortunately we cannot control. Please use a different email address in your AT*SQA account, and verify it. Then you should be able to schedule your exam.
When do I log into my online exam?
On the day of your exam, log into your exam 15 minutes before your scheduled time. Once you are in Webassessor, you will select the "My Exams" menu option and you will see the "Launch" button.
What do I do if I have technical difficulty on the day of my exam?
If you can't log in, start the program, etc., please contact Kryterion support immediately about the issue. They can walk you through getting started on your exam or will reschedule you for another day.
If you have technical issues starting your exam, you may ask Kryterion support to reschedule your exam to a later time or date. This must be done through Kryterion support.
More Online Exam Information
Please click on the link for full information about online proctored exams and what you should expect.
Certification and Micro-Credential Information
What is the Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers™?
It is the list used by American employers to check for ISTQB, ASTQB, and AT*SQA software testing certifications and micro-credentials because it is the only complete, authoritative listing of certifications issued by ISTQB's United States board. Learn more about the Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers™.
How do I locate my certification?
Email us at and include all of your information listing in the video.
How do I show my name on the Official U.S. List and ISTQB List?
Is the ISTQB certification from ASTQB and AT*SQA valid in my country?
Yes! When you take your ISTQB exam through ASTQB and/or AT*SQA, your ISTQB certification is accepted in every country in the world. Plus AT*SQA will give you extra, free benefits: 1) You will be awarded points toward your Testing Tiers® software tester ranking, and 2) you will appear on the Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers™ in addition to the ISTQB successful candidate register.
Certification & Credential Questions
I took my exam today at a test center. When will my certificate be ready?
If you took your exam at a test center today, your certificate will be ready tomorrow, as the results are synchronized nightly. If this is your first certification through AT*SQA or ASTQB, you will need to set your "Name on Certificate" before it can be generated and downloaded, but that only takes a few minutes.
When will I appear on the Official U.S. List of Certified Testers?
After you pass your exam, you will receive official notification the next morning from AT*SQA via email. At that time, go into your AT*SQA account and update your Preferences to have your name appear on the list. If this is your first certification from AT*SQA or ASTQB, you will also be asked to set your "Name on Certificate." You will then appear instantly. If you wish to also appear on the list at, that may take 30 or more days, as they update their list less regularly.
Will I receive a hard copy certificate in the mail?
No, we do not offer a hard copy certificate. High resolution PDF certificates can be downloaded from your AT*SQA account upon passing the exam.
What is the Testing Tiers® software tester ranking?
Testing Tiers® helps managers compare testers' knowledge on the basis of their software testing certifications and related education. Learn more about Testing Tiers® software tester rankings.
How should I use and communicate my certification and certification logo?
See the "Certified Logo and Communication Guidelines."
ASTQB and AT*SQA only provide ISTQB certification logos to ISTQB certified testers that have gotten certified through ASTQB. If you have gotten your certification through another certification provider, you will need to contact them for your logo.
Online Exam Questions
ASTQB & AT*SQA Online Exams
ASTQB & AT*SQA are happy to announce that we will continue to provide online exams from home permanently. Let ASTQB & AT*SQA help to get your certified! Our online exams are offered any time, from anywhere in the world, to anyone!
View Exam Information/InstructionsChecklist for Taking Your Exam
Once you have scheduled your exam make sure you are ready for your online exam at least 72-hours before the exam.
- Have you downloaded the programs required for your exam?
- Have you checked the installations of the programs work?
- Figure out where you are going to take your exam. Prepare a space in your home to take the exam. This should be a place free of paper, pens, pencils, noise, electronics, etc. There should be no one else in the room and it should have good lighting. You will be required to show your work environment and ID to the proctor.
- Programs on computers. You will initially use your internet browser, but no other programs (i.e. Outlook, Excel, etc.) should be running. Before taking your exam, please make sure to quit the other programs running on your computer.
General Questions
Can I use a paper and pencil during my exam online?
When can I log into my exam?
On the day of your exam, log into your exam 15 minutes before your scheduled time. Once you are in Webassessor, you will select the "My Exams" menu option and you will see the "Launch" button.
What are the requirements to install the Respondus Secure Browser?
Can I use a tablet, phone or Chrome OS for the exam?
You will need a Windows or Mac OS to install the software for the online exams. You cannot use Chrome OS, tablets, or phones to take our exams.
How long can it take to start my exam on my exam day?
Exams can take 20-30 minutes to begin. This is in addition to the exam time. If the online proctored area is busy, you will see a notice when logging in to your exam.

If you feel the screen is frozen or there is a problem, please contact Kryterion Support through the chat area on the support page:
What are the requirements of the Computer?
You will need a Windows or Mac OS. Additionally, A computer with an internal or external camera (note that the instructions mention an external camera, but your built-in, internal camera is acceptable).
Many company computers have issues installing the software because the employees do not have access to install the exam software. It is suggested using a personal computer and installing the software at least 72 hours before the scheduled exam.
Kryterion SupportDo I need ID?
A current government-issued photo ID that will be presented to the proctor before the exam starts.
Will they ask to see my exam area?
Yes and you should show your entire desk area and around your exam area. You should not have any books, papers, pencils, pens, electronics in your exam area. Additionally, there should not be anyone in your exam area.
If you are found to have any of these items in your exam area, you will be in violation of the rules and automatically fail the exam.
Other Questions
What is your fulfillment policy? What is your refund policy?
Standard (Non-Promotional) Purchases: Exam vouchers purchased on the Website are added to your AT*SQA account immediately upon purchase. The vouchers are good for one year, so you may schedule/reschedule and take your exam anytime during that period. Refunds/exchanges/returns are available on eligible purchases within 1 month of purchasing an exam. There is no penalty for exchanging a voucher. If you are requesting a full refund or return on an eligible purchase, there will be a $25 USD charge for processing fees. No refunds or returns are available after 1 month of purchase, and refunds will not be issued for unused vouchers.
Promotional Purchases: Exam vouchers are subject to the terms specific to the promotion, but in no case are valid for more than 1 year. Refunds/exchanges/returns are not available for promotional purchases.
What is Webassessor by Kryterion?
Webassessor by Kryterion is the service we use for the exam centers - they manage the locations throughout the world.
What is the AT*SQA Reasonable Accommodations Policy?
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities needing a reasonable accommodation to take any exam through AT*SQA should provide written notice to the Association for Testing and Software Quality Assurance support team through the contact form found on the AT*SQA website at least 14 days prior to the exam. Individuals requesting a reasonable accommodation may be required to provide certification of their disability or need for reasonable accommodation so that AT*SQA can determine what accommodation, if any, will be provided.
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