Where should I register for my ISTQB exam?
You should register for your ISTQB exam through AT*SQA, ASTQB's official global ISTQB exam provider.
Get 8 extra, free benefits when you book your ISTQB exam through AT*SQA. Only AT*SQA gives you all of these:
- Get more attention from companies, no matter where you live right now. American companies check our Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers™ to see if you are ISTQB certified. Employers may require that testers appear in the Official U.S. List through their software testing RFPs. We run millions of ads every year that direct employers to this official list. AT*SQA also adds you to the ISTQB SCR, of course.
- Prove to employers that you can support American teams because you have passed ASTQB's official American English ISTQB exam through AT*SQA. This demonstrates a certain level of American English competence and demonstrates your commitment to working with an American team, even if you don't live in the U.S. Did you know that AT*SQA is a trusted part of the American software community and has contributed to the United States Department of Labor O*NET career program, which is one of the reasons AT*SQA has been named an O*NET Ally.
- Get ASTQB's top-quality ISTQB exams that they check carefully to make sure they perform fairly (i.e. they are written without misleading questions). AT*SQA is the official ISTQB exam provider for ASTQB, the American Software Testing Qualifications Board, and we are the only provider of ASTQB's ISTQB exams. We also have specially created extra ISTQB sample exams that give you a better feel for our American English ISTQB exams.
- Appear in the AT*Work™ List of Testers for Hire if you need a job. This is where employers search for certified and credentialed testers who are seeking their first job, are between jobs, or are available for freelance software testing jobs.
- Add your company to the AT*Consult™ List of Testing Services and Consulting Companies if your company offers those services. This is where companies who need testing expertise for projects can find credentialed testers. This is more important than ever given that companies may add language to their software testing RFPs that you appear in the Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers™.
- Increase your Testing Tiers® software tester level in the Official U.S. List of Certified & Credentialed Software Testers™ and the AT*Work™ List of Testers for Hire. Only AT*SQA can give you ranking points.
- Get up to 365 days to take your ISTQB exam online, at testing centers, or on-site at your company. Plus, AT*SQA's account system makes it easy to check your ISTQB exam results overall and by topic, download your certificate, and get receipts/invoices 24/7. Plus, AT*SQA offers free linkage to LinkedIn when you pass your ISTQB exam so you can easily announce your certification!
- Get a free AT*SQA software testing micro-credential exam. Micro-credentials let you prove your knowledge in specialty testing areas such as API testing, cloud testing, and more. Micro-credentials prove you are continually improving yourself as a software quality expert, and nearly 90% of U.S. employers say micro-credentials strengthen a job seeker's application.
Register for your ISTQB exam now through AT*SQA. Only AT*SQA offers all of these extra, free benefits with your ISTQB exam purchase.
If you are taking the ISTQB Foundation Level exam, see "How I Prepared for and Passed ISTQB Foundation Level On My First Try". If you have already passed the ISTQB Foundation Level exam, see all the other ISTQB Certification exams you can take through AT*SQA.